Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday - We Arrive

Here we are then.  We're home at John's folks place in Kentville.  The flight was the bumpiest one I've ever experienced enroute to NS.  There was turbulence over Ireland and then a few potholes in the sky, particularly when we edged over Newfoundland.  We dropped so dramatically at one point that we both ended up wearing the cup of tea the crew had just served.  The remainder of the trip was spent with one very wet  leg.  Nice!

It's not ever so cold here but there was a snow storm yesterday so there's quite a bit on the ground and you can see where it's piled up high having been ploughed or "plowed" to be correct to the locale.  Lots of pick-up trucks have snow plows on the front which is pretty cool.  Picked up our rental car (Mitsubishi Lancer this time with 8 klms on the clock in a very nice dark blue) and headed off along the 101.  Is surreal being back. It's so familiar but still feels a little odd.  Stopped at Windsor and enjoyed a Tim Horton's coffee overlooking lake Pisquid.

Mom and Dad were pleased to see us and Mom baked a cake for John's belated birthday.  Of course we had to have a bit of that and I think that might set the tone for the whole trip.  It's going to be a real battle not to scoff too much greedy food and undo the progress we've made on our diet and fitness campaign thus far.  I'm feeling a bit wound up still, so need to try and relax somehow.  Getting ready was all a bit of a scrabble and the plane ride a bit tense with the bumps.  Stayed up far too late too and my time clock is a little messed up even though it's only 3 hours difference at the moment instead of 4.

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