Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday - Eagles & Specs

We had a bit of a lazy morning (again) and Francis called in to see us today which was lovely.  She looks really well and hopefully we'll get to go and visit her in her apartment before the holiday is over.  She seems quite happy there and there are lots of people to socialise with play cards and things so she seems pretty content there.  I think she probably misses the old house but she doesn't have any worries about maintenance and stuff at the apartments.

Later we went hunting for Eagles.  Well, not actual hunting, just to see if we could see some.  We have seen them driving around and they are really amazing looking birds.  I have seen a couple of other really big birds of prey around and about but we always seem to be on the highway when we see them, so it's not exactly ideal to try and stop to get a better look.  We decided to drive around Sheffield Mills to see if we could see some.  There are places where they feed them around there during the winter months apparently, although I'm not sure they would still be doing that now.  We decided to investigate.  We saw 3 or 4 on our travels but they were too far away, too high or we couldn't really stop to get near to them.  Still lovely to see them, but it was a bit of a failed mission.  We drove down to Scotts Harbour too which is really beautiful but pretty weathered at this time of year.  They have put a car park in now for the trail out to Cape Split, so that's good.  I'd like to do that one day, but it's a 3 mile hike and the same back again and it's not quite the weather for it.  Plus it said on the sign that you should still wear hunter's orange until 31st March, so I'm not keen on taking any chances with that!!

SLIDESHOW: Bald eagles at Sheffield Mills | The Chronicle Herald

We stopped by Sobeys on the way home.  John saw some breakfast cereal he wanted me to see.  I had thought about getting some for my brother but it was $10.50 a packet and the packs aren't very big AT ALL.  It proclaims to be the best breakfast cereal in the world and I should bloody well think so if they are charging that much for it!!!
We all went out to the Old Orchard Inn for supper which was really lovely.  I had "English Style" fish and chips.  Well, there was nothing English about them.  They were gorgeous fish and chips though but, as usual, there was far, far too much food on the plate!  A veritable mountain of fries.  Decided to turn in early tonight and do some reading but to my horror have discovered that my glasses are now where I was expecting to find them int eh carry on luggage.  I haven't used them since I've been here, so I think that I have left them on the plane coming over.  We checked and double checked so all I can think is that they might have fallen on the floor and slid under the seat in front of me or something like that.  John phoned Air Canada and talked to some Indian dude.  The language gap was more of a chasm.  When he gave our address at home, the guy read Buckinghamshire back as Buckingham Palace!!!  If we lived there I wouldn't be worried about a pair of bloomin' glasses now would I!  Sad.  So, we'll see if they have been handed in but I"m not feeling very hopeful and am extremely pee'd off with myself.  What a Muppet I am!

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